Managing director in a start-up? You should be aware of this!

The GmbH is the most frequently chosen legal form for start-ups in Germany. It is quick and easy to set up, well-established with investors and offers a wide range of legal structuring options.

The value of a company: How to choose the right valuation method!

Choosing the proper valuation method for a company is often challenging, as different methods can lead to different results. Many managers of medium-sized companies ask themselves which method best reflects the actual value of their company.

When should you start preparing for company succession?

Business succession requires careful planning and should ideally start five to ten years before the handover. This allows enough time to execute all necessary steps and address unforeseen challenges, avoiding pressure-induced mistakes.

Dismissal of the GmbH managing director

In this introduction, we provide an overview of the basics of GmbHs and management, as well as the reasons for the dismissal of a managing director.

Private address of the managing director in the commercial register?

As a publicly accessible register, the commercial register fulfills an essential purpose: it should clarify which “flesh and blood” persons are behind a corporation.